>REINCANTAMENTO - Open source and work-in-progress meditation on magic and technology


✦ Open source and work-in-progress meditation on magic, society and technology

articoli 2023

Drop #8 - A Phantom in the Chain

Marco Mattei reviews Alva Noë's 'Strange Tools' and prepares a theory of art in the era of re-enchantment. 

December 2022, Substack

Drop #7 - A report on techgnostic phenomena

Marco Mattei reviews Alva Noë's 'Strange Tools' and prepares a theory of art in the era of re-enchantment. 

December 2022, Substack

Drop #6 - Notes on post-colonial plants

On the political significance of NFTs in contemporary art: an initial mapping.

November 2022, Substack

Drop #5 - Notes on Bolano

Following Benjamin Constant’s utopian architecture, we explore the idea of an autonomous and rhizomatic metaverse.

September 2022, Substack

Drop #4 - Notes on game design

New research for Curve Labs, focuses on invisible architectures of the cyber-social body and the implications of collective infrastructure.

July 2022, Substack

Drop #3 - Notes on Technic and Magic

We dialogue with Edoardo Camurri on the idea of re-enchantment, between psychedelia, Dada and algorithms.

July 2022, Substack

Il Carbone che non si vede

We dialogue with Edoardo Camurri on the idea of re-enchantment, between psychedelia, Dada and algorithms.

Luglio 2022, Giornale dell’Arte

Drop #2 - Notes on Yeezus

After a year of experimenting with text-to-image models and synthetic images, we pause for a point on the art of the prompt.

June 2022, Substack

Drop #1 - Notes on Corecore

A dialogue between Mark and Alexander on the idea of positive pharmacology: is a discipline of re-enchantment possible?

April 2022, Substack

Drop #0 - Newslettering again

Il lancio di una nuova newsletter. 

Giugno 2023, Substack

Le Voci Del Para-Reale

Tra le allucinazioni delle intelligenze artificiali e le voci sintetiche dell’autotune, come abbracciare il collasso del mondo virtuale sulla nostra realtà

Marzo 2023, NOT