>REINCANTAMENTO - Research & Publishing Group on Magic, Society and Technology. Always Open Source and Eternally Work-In-Progress ✦


✦ Research & Publishing Group on Magic, Society and Technology.
Always Open Source and Eternally Work-In-Progress ✦



This section of the site is dedicated to collecting all articles published around REINCANTAMENTO and categorized chronologically. Most of the articles are written by Alessandro except where otherwise indicated. We've conceptualized curated reading paths to provide cohesion to our extensive content. Follow these paths by clicking on the dynamic keys occasionally located at the bottom of our articles. This function is still a work-in-progress.

- Articles 2020:
the first ten episodes of the research, composing its original theoretical core, plus several articles for different magazines.

- Articles 2021: all the newsletter’s pieces plus different texts for other magazines.

- Articles 2022: collaborations with other entities, some republished articles and two articles by Marco Mattei.

- Articles 2023: from 2023, we publish on our newsletter DROPS and mostly in English. 
- Bonus Texts: unpublished pieces, texts written in the occasions of performances or other artistic happenings, unidentifiable texts