>REINCANTAMENTO - Open source and work-in-progress meditation on magic and technology


✦ Open source and work-in-progress meditation on magic, society and technology


IRL events and workshops

Aperturas: an utopian reading group

Aperturas is a reading group in search of breaches from the bleakness of the present and forms of conviviality during Berlin’s winter.

Fall-Winter 2023-24, offline, Berlin

Harvesting The Net - A tale of digital gardening

Harvesting The Net is a video-essay created for “Codici Magici”. A dreamy journey through the ideas of digital gardening and its significance for future Internet politics.

December 2023, MOCA, Brescia

Tech Collapse: The Game

An experimental board game, exploring the limits of computation, e-waste and green technologies. 

June 2023, 48hrs Neukolln, Berlin

Memories from the Latent Space

A playful workshop for a collective navigation of the world of generative models. 

December 2022, C/O Foundation, Berlin

:// Vectorial Baptism 

An algorithmic ritual and performative dialogue, made with GPT-2 in an immersive crypt.

December 2021, STASIS, Turin